There are various theories has led each of them to make an impression, or others with defining what constitutes effective leadership. Presented below are the main principles of leadership.
Principles of Leadership Development
Behavior Theory
According to this theory, a leader can be successful if he defines each of the roles and expectations clearly too all employees, periodically monitor and evaluate their performance, and then takes a can evaluate their performance. Most companies today follow the principle of the business leadership.
Interaction Theory
According to this theory of leadership, leaders account before arriving at a decision should take the opinions of their followers. Leader of his team mates to encourage participation in the decision making process and give due importance should your information in order to win their loyalty and cooperation.
Great Man Theory
According to the leadership theory and style, leadership qualities inherent in these individuals, i.e. as a person is born with leadership qualities can not grow.
Behavior Theory
This kind of leadership and motivation theories, leadership qualities and behaviors of individuals with training and experience can be learned. The principle underlying the great man theory of leadership qualities rejected the notion.
Trait theory
Leadership in business education or promotion of the principle that there are some leadership qualities those are common to all leaders. The assumption of this theory is a different leadership traits in those who possess them are bound to be good leaders.
Transformational Theory
According to the theory of transformational leadership, leaders to successfully work through others to inspire and motivate them to get they might be able to. This theory assumes those leaders and their followers, where he is seen by them between a good relationship getting help is working. Moral and an inspirational leader for the benefit of each of his followers might work, thus the reason for their cooperation and commitment must win.
Contingency Theory
Such theories of leadership style is the notion that followers of a leader's success depends on different variables such as it is based on, state leaders and leadership style as it finds itself followed by the situation for. According to this theory, a leader can not rely on the same kind of leadership style. He is customized according to circumstances.
Situational theory
Cool for the same contingency theory, the theory claims that the way a leader is, he exhibits the kind of style and qualities, he has to deal with the situation depends a lot on. Factors that influence behavior are some of the leader - his followers have the ability, the kind of relationship she shares with them, leaders, support the team like, etc. There are resources available to the middle of
these led to the theory of evolution. Structures put in place after a well and share a good relationship with the followers of two other things that are contributing to the success of a leader. Today businesses in mind these principles to their work lead to different model assumptions, is optimized to achieve organizational goals.
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