What is team building?

Posted by Online Tender Info | 9:56 AM | | 0 comments »

Team building is basically a group of activities or discussions done to develop better team work between people. This is generally used in the work place or sometimes in a school environment to teach people to work together better. It is a good skill to have to be able to work well with others, but not everyone has had good opportunity to develop this skill. Team building helps people relate better with each other, create trust, and take responsibility for not just themselves but their entire team or workplace. Many employers find this leads to higher profits and a better workplace environment which is why they may to team building workshops or seminars.

Anything that helps people work together in a group. Have you heard the saying, "There is no 'I' in 'Team'"? In school, most of us think competitively all the time, meaning, we're being an"I" and not part of a team, so this is something we don't know how to do. Businesses spend a lot of money on seminars and retreats and training so employees learn this. Ideally, supervisors delegate to subgroups, which is very hard for control freaks. Alsoideally, specialists do what they know best but interact with everyone on a project. When everything goes well, there's input from everyone and coordinators make it all come together.Egos need to be subverted somewhat so that group members can help each other, offer suggestions, critique ideas. We idealize loners, like John Wayne in Westerns, and Ayn Rand fans have super-Alpha fantasies too, but It Takes a Village more than it takes a cowboy.

Team building is a process that develops cooperation and teamwork within a work unit. To constitute an effective team, its members must share a common goal, have respect for each other, and be motivated to use the strengths of each member to achieve their objectives. Current corporate philosophy stresses that each member of a team plays an integral part in the success of the company.

With under staffing, burnout, outsourcing, and other morale-defeating activities on the rise, many corporations realize they must nurture communication within the organization. In addition, many businesses form teams, or committees, for varying purposes; therefore individuals can be members of several teams. For an effective team, time should be established for getting acquainted and the exchange of ideas. From the employee's point of view, being part of a team usually provides a sense of loyalty and ownership.


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