True home business leadership really pays off! And no, I didn't gamble one cent in Vegas - I actually gave money away!
As we move into Thanksgiving and Christmas, I am reminded there is much to be grateful for. I always teach my kids that this is a time not about us individually - what Santa will bring for you - but an opportunity to reflect upon our gratitude for all that we already have in life.
It's too easy to always be wanting the next material thing or success we aspire to - we can lose sight of everything we have around us and everything we have already achieved - family, friends, comfort right through to running water and food, every small triumph along the way!
If you can develop home business leadership and be successful, then you are already truly blessed beyond belief. No boss, no commute good income, working with people you choose to work with, not have to work with.
The last three and a bit years have been both the toughest and the most rewarding on a personal level in terms of time freedom. This is when I started on a new phase of my life, a challenging path to find a different way to take care of our family. There were times when I wondered if I'd make it. Did I have what it takes?
What my I found along the way I shared with my husband and 14 year old son - my daughter is severely disabled and we shared in our own way with her too. This journey has been something so special and precious that looking back, it had to be that way since it meant we developed the ability to survive in the worst of times.
I'm grateful for the people who I think of as mentors, who I am able to connect with through the wonders of technology we have access to, leaders who have helped me to grow my personal style of home business leadership and finally have fun with my business.
In business and in our personal struggles as a family, we've experienced great successes and developed new relationships. Going forward, I take great responsibility in sharing that home business leadership ability and marketing strategies with anyone who wants to change their life as well.
Being an entrepreneur, and moreover a successful home business leader, requires you make MANY changes in your life, sometimes a leap of faith, frequently stepping outside your comfort zone! So you MUST believe in yourself and in your ability to inspire others.
It requires you NEVER give up on yourself and to develop that inner strength in others. It requires your passion, dedication and endless patience.
You can only do that when you truly get up close and personal with your deepest WHY - your reason d'etre, your 'calling'. It underpins your contribution to others around you, the value of your leadership, and how important each and everyone of us are ... someone's WHY can never be underestimated, but it sometimes needs discovering and nurturing.
So from all my gratitude, a great reward came forth during my Vegas escapade. I got to meet in person, shake the hand of an amazing guy, Simon Sinek author of 'Start with Why' who I've mentioned in previous blog posts and has just partnered with Pro to develop this new module. Simon placed a small silver token in my hand ... and with an twinkle in his eye, he told me to keep inspiring others.
Through home business leadership, I encourage you too to pay it forward and inspire others to action.
About the Author
Jay Allyson is a Home Business Owner and Internet Marketing Success Coach. She Teaches People To Make $10-50k per month within 12 Months Helping Others Achieve Time Freedom & Dream Lifestyle through Entrepreneurial Internet Marketing. Her online 7 day course & ebook "How to Build a Profitable Online Home Business" is available from:";>
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