I read the bible always. Why? You see this book is so unique. I have never come across a book like this in my life. It has all I need to know. It foretells the future. Can the bible be read just like any other book? No, you'll end up not understanding some aspects especially prophecy. Some of the books are interdependent and an example of this is the book of Daniel and Revelation.
There are some characters in the bible I like so much. They were great leaders but surprisingly they stumbled. They realized without God they're just powerless and hopeless creatures. So today I want us to study these great leaders who lived ages ago and how they stumbled.
King David
1. David didn't go to battle so he stayed at Jerusalem. It is during this time of being idle
that he noticed Bathsheba (wife of Uriah the Hittite). David lay with her and afterwards she became pregnant. David covered this sin by committing another sin of ensuring that Uriah was struck down to death while in war. God was displeased with this act.
2. He did not consult with God on the proper order of bringing the ark of God from Kirjath Jearim.
3. The order of numbering the Israelites by David annoyed God. He noticed his sin and prayed God to take away his iniquity.
4. David shed much blood, so God didn't permit him to build a house. (1chronicles 22:8).
King Solomon
1. Solomon married from nations which God had told the Israelites not to marry from.
2. He was not loyal to God as his father. Due to this reason, God split the kingdom away from King Solomon when his son came to throne.
King Nebuchadnezzar (king of Babylon)
1. He forgot that there is only one God to be worshiped when he made an image of gold which he set up in the plain of Dura (province of Babylon) to be worshiped. Whoever did not worship it had to be thrown immediately into the midst of a burning fiery furnace. Shadrach, Meshach and abed-Nego didn't worship the image. This made him to command that they be thrown into the burning fiery furnace. Astonishingly, the fire had no effect on them (they remained just as they were). From this experience, King Nebuchadnezzar acknowledged there is no other God.
2. King Nebuchadnezzar become proud of himself forgetting that it is through God's power that made it possible to build Babylon-"Is not this great Babylon, that I have built for a royal dwelling by my mighty power and for the honor of my majesty?" As a result from this, the kingdom departed from him. He dwelled with beasts for seven good years. And thereafter he knew that God rules in the kingdom of men.
As a leader if you fail (stumble) don't give up. Just accept your failures and get assistance from God. Know that it is not through your own powers that you're able to do, but through God's mighty power.
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Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/leadership-articles/did-great-leaders-also-stumble-3664734.html
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