Time Management Secrets for Working WomenTime management is never a question of "If" it is a question of "How?". There are signs that you need help in time management. The symptoms that you have a time management problem are:
  • Every day is a complete adventure in your business. You aren't sure what is going to happen on a daily basis.
  • At the end of each day your task list doesn't even have one item complete on it.
  • The mere thought of having 16 minutes by yourself to do something is so appealing that it is like a vacation to you.
When any of the above sound familiar it is time to regain control of your schedule and put time management secrets to work that only work for entrepreneurs.
Since we can't "create time" we have to deal with what we have in a day. These 3 secrets will put you on the path toward getting more done in less time.
  1. Keeping the morning to yourself regardless of what anyone else thinks. Most time management problems occur because as entrepreneurs we try and be too helpful. This is our very nature. To gain time we need to be a little selfish. The morning is the most productive time for 90% of small business owners. Keep this to yourself.
  2. Start with the toughest tasks. To feel productive many business owners (myself included at times) start with the easiest tasks first. We figure that if nothing else we got one item done. Start with the toughest tasks first. This may seem bad at first however you will discover that you are able to move your business forward in big ways simply by handling the tough tasks.
  3. Set time segments for each task. Entrepreneurs tend to have poor time management skills because they never force themselves to get a task done in a certain amount of time. They just put a task and figure that it has to be done. The brain is an amazing tool. When you tell yourself (in writing) that you only have 19 minutes to get something done your brain will work hard to get it done. Even if you take 22 minutes that is better than taking 22 days to get something done.
Putting just these 3 time management secrets to work on your behalf your business will start to increase dramatically. As entrepreneurs each hour is precious and the time spent working on your business always comes back 10X.

When you would like help in discovering which tasks need to be done in your day for your business I am here to help for free. I offer a 15 minute help session for entrepreneurs at www.15MinuteBusinessHelp.com.
About the Author

Todd Bates is a national Marketing and Business coach. Through his programs, such as Todd Bates Systems, he shares innovative systems to help businesses owners and sales professionals dramatically grow their sales.
His systems cover a broad base from sales conversion to marketing on a budget. The strategies that he shares have enabled him to net over 1 million dollars a year since the age of 24.
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/organizational-articles/3-secrets-of-time-management-to-unlock-your-potential-3717367.html


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