Maharashtra Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan on Wednesday named - said he and his new deputy Ajit Pawar, a "competent" to lead the state to "clean and transparent administration.

"After a few mistakes that the party high command has taken some decisions. Inquiry comes on and I see the report," the ideal housing scam that took the work of his predecessor, Ashok Chavan told reporters.

He said the NCP legislature party leader making him deputy chief - referred to as Pawar congratulated on his election.

"We have a competent and clean and transparent administration in Maharashtra, will lead the" 64-year-old leader said before leaving for Mumbai.

Will be sworn Chavan, Maharashtra Chief Minister Ajit Pawar and NCP tomorrow as his deputy.

Festival will be held at 16:30 at the royal palace, official sources said.

Governor K Sankaranarayanan will administer the oath of office.

Chavan A number of leaders met NCP chief Sharad Pawar today, Speaker Meira Kumar and party leaders, including Rahul Gandhi.

Chavan Maharashtra Congress chief Sonia Gandhi of the Congress Legislature Party leader was named this morning.


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