"Do you know there Satyam led a fire drill at school a few years ago," Ed Cohen, the dynamic 51-year-old former head of Satyam Computer Services Learning course. Officer, asks the "fire" broke out, Cohen casually strolling out of the building for people looking surprised.

He took it over themselves to convince their peers why they should not take lightly a crisis. Nelson says, "When a crisis occurs, you have to do with a plan for its original purpose and values need to use the time to look again, need to put. Word prediction turned out to be. On January 7, 2009 a multi-million accounting scandal hit the company with fraudulent promoters accept Ramalinga Raju.

Satyam after scandal, after spending a year at Cohen and his wife Priscilla Nelson, global director of learning who quit his job as working in Satyam. But the comments of the founder and chairman Ramalinga Raju in a statement made by Satyam - "It's riding a tiger, knowing how to get away without being eaten did not like - no wonder he stuck with them his new book Bear Riding title. tiger.

Lights on

Today, California-based Nelson Cohen, Global Consulting couple runs, and as his firm's name suggests, how they led out, learn and change to dole out advice to corporations.

Satyam scam the past but their influence is on them, as they may continue to accept. Company the magnitude of risk reduction may have had plans to cover a scam - if you said `7800 crore accounts have to go by?

"I do not think any company would put up a risk mitigation plan that says what if our founding absconds or cheats on board ... that's like predicting a tsunami," Cohen replies. Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), as the country's premier investigating agency entrusted with Satyam's case, more incontrovertible evidence unravels, the tsunami seems to grow bigger.

One thing the company did the right thing according to Cohen was that as the crisis hit, and its magnitude was realized, people started doing landscape planning. A sample: What if the company is sold in pieces? What was the company to be purchased by employees? What if the company was being taken by IBM, as was rumored?

"They plan to continue after the start of the stop - 30/60/90 for the next days, - they do / stop / start time should continue doing" Cohen said. There are other companies that lesson in crisis management. "If companies have to say if our top person would be involved in a scandal, so that they do not dare ask if our top man killed in a plane crash what is?" Cohen says.

A crisis almost always comes unannounced. Former Burger King headquarters in Miami, which completely destroyed by Hurricane Andrew in 1992 was Take the case of. "That came about enterprise resiliency plan," Cohen explains.

Nelson recommends that people approach him on "light" should follow when a crisis affected. In riding a tiger, the company defines as keeping the door to open it take the lead during a crisis. "While the crisis of an organization through its first 90-day visit, your clients must be maintained, its revenues still must be earned and its projects must continue to be" read extract from a book.

This is when the company must be alert and awake to any stimuli. But here's a warning call Nelson and different non-essential learning is essential. "We look at what is absolutely necessary to keep our doors open to our light." She says.

Satyam, one of the things that what they released after the crisis hit, but most of them already paid on the course were used since the certificate or degree program.

Satyam as tragedy unfolded, the pair "heart" was overwhelmed by the organization's people have shown. "Everyone Raju and Raju of Satyam Satyam saw as the failure at the top is so, immediate reaction? - All over a minute later, however, said everyone around," we do it How come we can save our customers a responsibility to pull together?, employees, investors, even "Cohen society," he explains.


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